Sunday, December 1, 2013


We are in the final stretch! These next few weeks are going to be a little stressful because in most classes I have to take a two tests, one regularly scheduled one similar to a midterm and also my final exams! The test schedule is so cramped because most students don’t leave until the semester ends at the end of January but us Americans leave before Christmas so we have to take our exams early. Yikes, wish me luck. I had two in my language class Friday morning (RIGHT AFTER THANKSGIVING!! – I WAS NOT HAPPY) anyways, it went fine so moving on. I have two this coming week, at least three the week after that and at least four my final week…
On a more positive note this week I attended an International Dinner! It was a potluck so everyone brought a dish traditional of their country (I brought No-Bakes!) and holy cow is authentic Asian food delicious; Chinese, Japanese, Korean, bring it on! They were definitely my favorite dishes.
For Thanksgiving I got together with some friends and we had another potluck! I made No-bakes again to finish off my ingredients. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, turkey sandwiches, guacamole (one of the girls was Mexican) and it was delicious! It was so great to at least be able to have a meal with friends and of course we all went around and said what we were thankful for! Not having the option to be with my family, it was the best Thanksgiving I could have had!

Yesterday was my excursion to Normandy and holy cow, what a powerful experience. We first visited a World War II museum, then the American Cemetery and finally the beaches. World War II memorials are so much more powerful here because as an American, for me it was always just another war we fought but other here everyone was affected by it and so many soldiers and civilians alike were killed in the conflict. Seeing the 9,387 American graves, some of which were unknown soldiers, some had been visited recently which flowers next to them was such a moving experience and really gives perspective to the enormity of this battle and World War II as a whole. Omaha Beach, one of the landing points is so beautiful; it was so hard to imagine that it was once the site of that awesome battle. I cannot imagine the bravery of those soldiers. We ended the trip by visiting the Pointe du Hoc, a cliff that overlooks both the Omaha and Utah Beaches that was a crucial defensive point for the Germans that was taken by a couple battalions of US Army Rangers. Today it stands as a tribute to the Rangers and has not been altered since the war. There are still craters from bombs and old half destroyed bunkers that scatter the point. It is such a beautiful and sad place. If you know a veteran, thank them for me, because I am beyond words.

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